The Veterans Day assembly was at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 8, at DMS.
Courtney Miles, David Alston, and Chuck Wagner helped organize the assembly, a contribution between the choir led by Miles, and the History Club led by Wagner and Alston.
“It’s an opportunity for our school to celebrate Veterans Day with our community, Alston, who is also an eighth-grade social studies teacher, said. “DMS invites veterans through social media, and some teachers who are veterans come and speak at the assembly.” Wagner, seventh-grade social studies teacher/veteran, said we do the assemblies to “Honor veterans past and present.”
After the assembly on Friday, many people said they enjoyed the guest speaker, Stephen Ford, husband, to Ashley Ford, seventh-grade social studies teacher, and the other guests who showed up to honor their time in service.
Jayla Harden, seventh grader, said she really liked the assembly and was one of the choir students singing at the assembly.
Harden liked the assembly to get out of class since she got to sing, and since she was a choir student her favorite song was the “Star Spangled Banner.” She said she likes to honor our veterans and this was a really good assembly, and her favorite part was Stephen Ford speaking.
Noah Mitchel, sixth grader, said he was at the assembly but only for 75 percent of it. However, his favorite part was the National Anthem.
Mitchel knows why we have Veterans Day, to celebrate our Veterans who have served our country.
Kayan Patel, another seventh grader, liked the assembly because of Ford speaking about why he joined the army. Patel said he didn’t personally celebrate Veterans Day but knows we celebrate to honor the people who have served our country.
He said he got some really good inspirational words from his speech, but the best part he said was when Ford said, “Mrs. Ford is the Alpha Skibidi.”
Patel said liked the assembly and we should have more.