Veterans talked to Duncan Middle School students Friday about Veterans Day. (Whitley Brown)
Veterans talked to Duncan Middle School students Friday about Veterans Day.

Whitley Brown

DMS hosts Veterans Day assembly

Nov 9, 2018

DMS hosted their Veterans Day Assembly today in honor of the Veterans who have fought, are fighting and those who have died in service. Veterans Day has a different meaning to everyone, but in the introduction of the assembly, Tag Ensey gave students and teachers his reasons and beliefs for what Veterans Day means to him.

“To me, Veterans Day has great meaning,” Ensey said. “My grandfather fought in World War II. The blanket he had in service is on my headboard at home, where it has stayed.”

Scott King, one of the veterans DMS welcomed for the assembly, spoke about what the American Flag means to him

“Americans should respect the American Flag,” King said. “It represents the veterans, those who fought and who are currently fighting.”

King said he believes the flag should be respected because it holds more value than what people say. The flag represents honor and justice, and to King, disrespecting the flag is not something people should do.

Another Veteran who spoke at the assembly was Sargent West. West has similar beliefs to King, he believes that the American flag should not be disrespected.

“Don’t disrespect the American Flag, sometimes I see on the internet where people are stomping on the flag, if I could be there I would knock them out,”

West also spoke about truths and freedoms, he spoke about the love veterans had for one another, the respect and compassion. “The Bible states that no man shows greater love than the man who lays down their life”

The men and women who have fought in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard show their respect, dedication and bravery to not only America, the American people and their families, but also their own lives.

Art students make poster for Veterans Day assembly

Today, Duncan Middle School held a Veterans Day assembly to honor the people still in the military forces, retired and those who died serving their country. The assembly was only one way students and teachers showed their respect and welcoming hearts for the veterans.

Melissa Mayo, DMS art teacher, worked with her students to make a banner to hang during the assembly. Mayo said she made the banner herself, and it found it wasn’t hard to make. It took her about 5 minutes to make. Students signed the banner.

Whitley Brown
A banner was added to the background of the Veterans Day assembly.

She decided that she would hang it on the wall by the cafeteria because she thought that it was the best spot so everyone could see it. It had “Thank you, Veterans” written across it, with blue and red swirls surrounding it. She said that she was very happy with what she made.

She also said that veterans day means to her, that it is to remember the sacrifices the veterans have made for us, and our freedom. She said that she had to swallow her tongue to stop herself from crying.

“I started to cry because my friend had died in July, and it was his first year not attending,” she said.

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