A reward for students who have maintained good grades and attendance is coming at the end of the second quarter.
The second nine weeks incentive party is scheduled for December, prior to the start of Christmas Break. The will be the first incentive party of the school year.
Being the first of the year, the requirements for the incentive party are lower than those that will come later in the school year. The requirements include not having a grade less than a 60 percent D, no more than five absences and no more than eight tardies. Additionally, students shouldn’t have had ISI or been suspended during the eligibility period.
This incentive party will be a dance party with grade-level, eligible students attending at set times.
In the past, the first incentive has traditionally been a dance party. But later incentive parties can be different. For instance, the last incentive party for the 2023-24 school year included games outside, along with snacks and drinks.
Seventh-grader Emma Lopez said she liked the snacks for the incentive party, and that would be her focus if she was in charge of the incentive party.
“I would have a fundraiser to get money to have a lot of snacks at the party,” Lopez said.
When the eligibility period concludes, teachers are given a list of student names to verify whether they met the criteria. The list also lets teachers know who to notify that they are able to attend the incentive party.
Weslee Frith, another seventh-grader, said the incentive party is a great idea, but she would like to see some changes to the concept in the future.
“I would let them have their phones, and there would be food,” Frith said.
Lopez and Frith said they would like to see incentive parties, where students get to leave the school.