Duncan Middle School students are getting a chance to dance the night away with their Valentines.
Student Council is hosting a Sweetheart dance from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight in honor of Valentine’s Day. The theme was hand selected by the Student Council officers.
Joie Chandler, assistant Student Council adviser, said she’s excited about the dance and hopes a lot of students attend. Chandler, who is an eighth-grade math teacher at DMS, said she plans to dress up and to bring her husband to the dance.
The entry fee for the dance is 5 dollars. All of the money raised at the door helps the Student Council to do more for the students and faculty at DMS. The dance is one of the biggest fundraisers for the organization each year.
Zara Ozaltin, Student Council president, said she has enjoyed being part of the planning for the dance.
“I like that I designed it as president,” Ozaltin said.
In addition to helping plan for the dance, she said she’s looking forward to helping set up. Although she’s not going to the dance with anyone, she does plan to dress up and have fun.
Chandler said, who is new to her Student Council role this year, said this is the first dance she has helped with the planning. However, she did volunteer during the office’s Halloween dance.
“It was nice seeing my students there,” she said.
She said she likes the theme for this dance, but understand that some people do not celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Eighth-grader Christian Gates, on the other hand, isn’t happy with the theme and doesn’t plan to dress up, but he plan to go to the dance, despite currently being on crutches.
One song he hopes gets played is “Tweaked.”
Gates said he plan to help set up for the dance.