Before the final review of “Freddy Vs. Jason,” I thought about doing one last ranking, not of the movies but the characters themselves by ranking the designs of Freddy and Jason over the years.
- Remake Freddy
Not having Robert Englund in the makeup makes for a bizarre look and one that doesn’t pay off. The makeup artists used green screen for parts of the face instead of fully makeup.
I hate “Elm street 2” in almost every way, and most fans agree it’s a bad film. But for some reason, the makeup for Freddy is praised way too much in my opinion.
It looks way too slimy for Freddy,. He has red eyes now, and his brow looks like a bridge.
I will say this film added green stripes to Freddy arms which make the sweater look a bit better, and I like the hat in this movie too.
Freddy’s look in “Elm street 5” is a lot more matte than usual, and his skin doesn’t look as burnt as it should,. With the return of the last film, the makeup should have been better.
The look in “Nightmare 6” is pretty similar to “5,” so not much to say.
- “Demon Freddy”
Having yet to see “Freddy Vs. Jason,” I don’t know the context for demon Freddy, but I just don’t like the strong red color.
- Super Freddy
I think Freddy killing a comic book fan by turning himself into a comic book villain was a cool idea, but overall it’s just an OK look.
Jason’s first look was of his child state, but Tom Savini’s makeup is still some of the best.
- Jason from “Freddy Vs. Jason“
I think this version of Jason is one of the worst, but it still looks pretty good in some shots. Overall, it doesn’t pay off.
- Remake Jason
While this version of Jason has the jacket look from Freddy Vs. Jason, which I’m not a big fan of, I do like the idea of Jason going from the “Part 2” to “Part 3” look.
I like the wet look for Jason, which works way better for him than Freddy. In this film, Jason’s face looks awful, not in the good way, and is by far Jason’s worst face design.
I don’t like this film, but Jason’s design is pretty good with Jason’s exposed teeth from the boat damage and the chain around his neck is a cool touch.
I’m not a big fan of the clothes Jason’s wearing. However, Jason’s mask being embedded into his face was cool.
This was before Jason got his hockey mask, but I like the “The Town that Dreaded Sundown” look.
- “Friday the 13 part 5: A New Beginning” (Dream Jason)
Jason’s design is pretty good in this film, even though he doesn’t do much, given that he’s a hallucination. As for the design, sometimes it looks like “Part 4” and sometimes it looks like “Part 6,” but I love those films designs, so this one works for me.
I love Jason’s look in this film, but it’s not as spectacular as the latter films and is the cleanest version of Jason’s mask. It is the look that put the mask on Jason.
Freddy looks much like “3,” but with some of things that I don’t like about the makeup in “2.”
I really like how different the design is in this film. It’s the one Freddy look (that isn’t used in just one scene) that really looks different than the others.
- Freddy from “Freddy Vs. Jason”
Freddy’s look is this film is way better than “Freddy’s Dead” or “The Dream Child,” and is a nice return to form.
- “Jason X” (Jason)
Jason’s design in this film is an upgrade from the “Jason Goes to Hell” look, and I think it’s better than the Jason from “Freddy Vs. Jason.”
- “Friday the 13th part 5: A New Beginning” (Roy)
I know Roy isn’t Jason, but I like the design nonetheless. The blue chevrons on the mask is a nice departure from the usual red design.
- “Jason X” (Uber Jason)
Jason getting upgraded with nanotech was brilliantly stupid, and the design was great.
The first Freddy design is one of the best for him with the doubled layered makeup. While it got updated, they couldn’t all beat it.
I think Freddy looks best in “Elm Street 3” with all the improvements from “2” and without all the downgrades from “2.”
This is by far the best human Jason design, and Tom Savini’s makeup is at it’s best, with the axe wound from
Part 3″ and darker fingernails make for a nice send off of Jason’s as a human.
I love “Jason Lives,” and I think Jason as a zombie was a fun choice. His design is great, and I like how he adds to it as the film goes on.