Parents involved in the DMS Parents Group set up food for teachers to enjoy tonight during parent/teacher conferences.
Parent/teacher conferences are set to begin at 3:01 tonight and will also be held Thursday.
During conferences students and parents have the option of visiting their teachers to find out how they are doing in each class.
Draven Dechane, sixth-grader, said “I am scared to go to the parent/teacher conferences because I think that I have bad grades and I don’t want my parents to get mad at me because of my grades; so I might not go to the parent/teacher conferences.”
While not a requirement to attend, parents and students have the option to meet with the classroom teachers. All the teachers will be in their classroom waiting for their students to go in the classroom.
Jillian Swor, sixth-grader, said, “I am going to the parent/teacher conferences because my mom is making me go but I really don’t want to go to the parent/teacher conferences. The teachers will be telling your parents if you have been doing good in their class or not.”
If you don’t go to the parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday, then you can try to go on Thursday. Students and parents can also keep track of grades by using Parent Portal.
Conferences will be from 3:01 to 6:30 p.m. during those two days.