Student Council is using containers for OSU and OU to collect funds for the Stephens County Humane Society.
With Bedlam coming up Saturday, the Duncan Middle School Student Council has created a Bedlam contest.
Students can donate money to either container marked for Oklahoma State University or the University of Oklahoma. Bedlam refers to the rivalry game between the two largest universities in the State of Oklahoma.
If the OU container gets the most money, Bubba Clark, DMS counselor, will be duct-taped to the wall. However, if the OSU container receives more funds, DMS Principal Rodney Strutton will be duct-taped to the wall.
Who will win?
The winner will be announced Friday. The containers are located at the front desk in the office.
Brianna Jones, seventh-grade student, said she feels confident that the University of Oklahoma will raise more money than OSU.
” I think OU will win; so do most people,” Jones said.
On Monday, OSU had $1.30 and OU had $6.45. Tuesday, OSU had $14.80 and OU had $21.60. And today, OSU had $24.97 and OU had $43.36.
The money raised will go to help the Stephens County Humane Society.