Dayton Cross is on the DMS Wrestling Team. Cross placed in the Pre-Turkey Open.
Duncan Middle School wrestlers are partway through a successful season. And that success continued this weekend, when the DMS wrestling team placed first in the Kingfisher Tournament.
Kooper Kelly, Eli Ramirez and Tag Ensey all placed in the Kingfisher tournament after finding success in previous duals and tournaments.
Kelly, a seventh-grader at DMS, placed first in his weight division in the weekend contest. Ramirez, another seventh-grader, placed third. And Ensey placed fourth.
Each of the wrestlers said they did well as a team and that each of the wrestlers worked hard in their duals. Ramirez said the Duncan Middle School wrestlers worked well individually, which was a reflection of how beneficial practice was for them.
This tournament came less than two weeks after the Pre-Turkey Tournament in Marlow.
During that tournament, Kelly placed second in his weight division, and Dayton Cross, an eighth-grade wrestler, placed fourth in his weight class.
Both said the Pre-Turkey Open, was fun, but had its challenges.
“The last guy was pretty hard for me,” Cross said.
The next tourament is the Shawnee Duals, which start Friday and run through Saturday in Shawnee.
Ramirez said he is excited for the upcoming duals and hopes to continue to improve.