Everyone loves celebrating his or her birthday. But not everyone gets a cake for the celebration.
To help this situation, the Beautiful Day organization has kicked off its annual Cake-A-Palooza to make sure people all around Duncan have a cake, regardless of when their birthdays are. At Duncan Middle School, cakes were delivered to the teachers and staff Monday afternoon.
“Beautiful Day delivered the cakes to celebrate the staff and teacher’s birthdays,” Sandy Ferguson, DMS instructional coach, said.
Beautiful Day has already made and delivered more than 2,500 cakes with a goal set for 8,000 to be distributed throughout the City of Duncan.
Many of the staff loved this special treat, including counselor Barbra Davis.
“I really appreciated the cake” Davis said. “It made me feel special to be included.”
The Beautiful Day organization reached out to volunteers to get the cakes put together. The event is expected to go through April 5 and will provide many employees around Duncan with their sweet treats.