Eight Grade Lunch has been the last lunch at the Middle School, Eight Grade Teachers and Students were interviewed to see what they thought about the Eight Grade lunch being so Late.
Eight Grade Teachers Tammy Sparks and Brenda Hurley were interviewed, Eight Grade Students Triniti Escandon and Paeton Dial were also interviewed.
Triniti Escandon poses for a picture.
Paeton Dial stops for a picture.
All of the Teachers and Students that were Interviewed were asked the same questions. The first question that was asked was “How do you feel about 8th grade late lunch?”, Sparks, Hurley, and Escandon all said “It sucks and that they hate it”, mean while Dial said “I think its fine”.
The second question that was asked was “Do you think that Lunch should start earlier?”, Sparks, Hurley, Escandon, and Dial said “yes!!! It should start earlier and it would be nice”.
The last question that was asked was “ If you could change anything about lunch what would you change?” Sparks and Hurley both said “for us to get lunch earlier because it’s not fair”, on the other hand Escandon said “for the tables to be bigger” and Dial said “for us to have more options to eat, and to make Pizza cheaper”.