This past Tuesday , February 12, some of the middle school STEM students got the opportunity to go present all of their different projects that they have been working on this year to the members of Leadership Duncan. Three

of the STEM teachers, Renea Lawler, Floyd Brown, and Rosie Castle sent students to present their projects.
To represent Lawler’s STEM class, two of her 8th graders Ayden Belveal and Henry Spoering presented their hot air balloons that they made in her class last semester. Three of her 6th grade students, Jayce Ramirez, Emily Hallford, and Boston White, performed an experiment to make instant ice cream that they learned in her class

this past semester.
For Castle’s class, two of her 8th graders, Ady Meek and Kamryn Heilman, showed the members of the group their shed models that they have been working on since last semester. Two of her 7th grade girls, Sydney Miller and Aaliyah Treat , presented their 3D maze that they made together last

Last but not least, for Brown’s representatives, he had multiple 8th graders, including Kenzie Andrews, Angela Ibarra, Jackson Butler, Averie Brooksher, Preston Bruehl, Asa Pollock, Grace Munoz, Alex Hernandez, and Patience Eichler, presenting their apps that they have been making in his computer class.

We talked to Derrick Miller, one of the members of Leadership Duncan and also the Journalism teacher here at DMS, about what he thought of the meeting, and he said, “I think the STEM students presentation went very good. I think everyone there was blown away by how professional and mature everyone was. I don’t think there was anything that could have been improved about it.”
Overall, the event seemed to go great for all of the students, and all the members of Leadership Duncan seemed to be very impressed by all of the students! Great job to everyone who participated! stem