I personally think it’s good the chocolate bars are coming back because so many students actually buy them and buy multiple.
All students like chocolate, right?
Anyway, the chocolate bar fundraiser returned Monday and goes through Oct. 28. The fundraiser is to help the office with its budget.
The chocolate candy bars are back in business for students to purchase as much as they want. But they need to hurry because the fundraiser will be done in three weeks.
So bring your money and purchase some candy bars.
Assistant Principal Christy McIntyre said the fundraiser is helpful to Duncan Middle School. She said she is excited to sell them again and will hopefully sell out of them. The money goes to the office to help with school supplies.
Many of the students have already bought candy bars, and many more students plan on buying the chocolate. The flavors include dark chocolate, caramel, almond and a few others.
Buy chocolate bars today.