In the Duncan Middle School, there is a pretty lead cell phone policy.
The students are not allowed to be on their phones during school hours. If they do so without permission, their phone will either be taken to the teacher’s desk to be returned later or to the front office for parent pick up.
But if you have permission to get on your phone, it won’t be to look at Instagram. It will probably be to text your parents or to look something up or to take a picture of an assignment.
Some teachers in school have strict rules on phones in their classroom, but most teachers are pretty chill. There are students in the school who would argue that the cell phone police is too strict throughout the school, but in my personal opinion, I think that the police is very chill and not too hard core.
But things can get very strict very fast.
If people don’t follow the policy, then they policy is going to change to maybe where students have no cell phones at school at all.
So, please follow all the guidelines and be respectful.