Christmas and Christmas Break are coming around the corner.
People around the world are getting ready. Many teachers are doing Christmas activities, some teachers including Shelly Farrar and Amber Molina are doing activities.
Farrar, the art teacher at Duncan Middle School, is having her students make simple 3D snowflakes and Christmas arts and crafts.
Farrars favorite class activities are anything that has to do with arts and painting, 3D wire sculptures, paper mache. The activities that Farrars is doing are not group projects. Farrar wants to make sure that we do light work that way you don’t have to rush and do everything before break especially since kids are gone.
Molina, the eighth-grade science and investigating science teacher, is having her students do two activities those including an ugly sweater activity and a gingerbread house mystery activity.

“I’m doing these activities because it deals with my curriculum and I get to see the different sweaters and house,” said Molina.
She said the activities deal with her class. Her ugly Christmas sweater activity is not a group project but her mystery gingerbread house is a group project.
“My favorite activities are the ugly Christmas activity and the gumdrop houses my students did last year,” Molina said.
Teachers and students are getting ready for Christmas with dress-up days and activities at school. Many teachers are giving out fun Christmas activities.