With many companies coming up with a vaccine, the hope of ending COVID-19 could be drawing closer.
The U.S. has now accepted two COVID vaccines, and many countries around the world have started to accept, most notably the U.K. Around the school, however, students have started to gain hope because this could mean that some of the COVID-19 restrictions at DMS could relax.
Aaron Roy, a student at DMS, said he does not want the vaccine, although the vaccines are already rolling out to Oklahoma residents.
“I don’t think DMS will relax on restrictions if a vaccine shows up, and I don’t think the world will change because of a vaccine,” Roy said.
Jackson Williams, an eighth grader, had similar thoughts.
“I do not want a vaccine,” Williams said.
He also thinks that DMS will not relax restrictions if a vaccine comes.
“I do not believe that things will change in the future because of a vaccine,” he said.
Some of the vaccines are very effective, with the Pfizer and BioNTech companies claiming their vaccines are 95% effective, while a Russian company, Sputnik, claims theirs is over ninety percent effective. However, even though these vaccines might be effective, the actual vaccine you would get might not feel the best. with rumors that it would almost be like a flu vaccine.
Operation Warp Speed, an operation for getting a vaccine, says the U.S should have a vaccine by 2021, and children could get vaccinated by the end of 2021. Some people want a vaccine, while others are opposed to it, saying that you get the same symptoms as COVID-19 in the vaccine. The Oklahoma vaccine distribution plan comes in four different phases.
Phase one, long term care residents and staff, health care workers supporting direct impatient care, public health staff conducting frontline COVID-19 pandemic mitigation, Oklahoma state licensed emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
Phase two, first responders, paid and unpaid , health care workers providing direct COVID out-patient care and services, adults age 65 and older and adults of any age with comorbidities, teachers and staff in pre-k-12 schools and educational settings, staff and residents in congregate locations and worksites, public health staff supporting front line efforts.
Phase three, teachers. staff and residents in other educational settings, critical infrastructure personal as specified in the 3rd executive order.
However and whenever a vaccine shows up, students and citizens alike will be ready for one.