On Monday, the U.S. will be celebrating MLK day.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day where Americans celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr., who was the leader of the civil rights movement, but was shot at an early age.
The echoes of the 1960s protests can still be heard today, as many people have been protesting and rioting in the streets, pushing for equal rights everywhere. As for students, MLK day is a day off from school, but in the classrooms, some students are learning about King Jr. and his life and impact on many people.
These days, some still feel that it is an unequal society, while others have said that the society is equal, and thus leads to conflict. Unlike the protests today, King wanted to peacefully protest, because he thought that violence was never the answer. Some of the teachers at DMS have their own feelings on MLK day.
Jill Bates, seventh grade social studies teacher, said she feels that the day is important.
“MLK day is such an important part in our history,” Bates said “He managed to change the hearts and minds of so many people and helped to make so many people have a voice and have a place in the world.
“The most amazing part of him is that he did it nonviolently. He helped open the eyes of people to the inequalities of the world. Without him, those famous people would have never gotten a start.”
King was more than a activist. He was also a minister and preached at many churches. He was considered one of the best pastors ever. He was also a bright student, skipping three grades and graduating at age 15.
However, he only lived to the age of 39. He spent 13 years leading the activist movement and succeeded when the 15th Amendment granted African Americans the right to vote.
No matter what happens, MLK day will continue to be celebrated.