At the start of the week, the Duncan Middle School food pantry was nearly empty, holding only 50 to 75 cans that wouldn’t last the week.
But as the National Junior Honor Society pushed out its food drive, many students, faculty members and community have stepped up to help fill the pantry. Today, Brandy Adkins of Southwest Therapy Solutions touched base with NJHS co-sponsor Amber Molina about her company making a donation to fill the pantry.
NJHS put out a request Monday afternoon asking for a variety of food to fill student bags for the weekend. Among the items requested were canned fruits and vegetables, canned soup, Ramen noodles, peanut butter, pasta noodles, tuna, pre-packaged snacks, Pop-Tarts, juice, cereal, beans, rice, bread, fruit cups, sweets, crackers, salted green beans and Vienna sausage.
“This donation will help the students of DMS learn the importance of this huge donation,” Molina said.
Office aids spent time today determining what is needed for the food pantry before letting Southwest Therapy Solutions know. This will help determine what needs still exist.
The donation, in addition to everything else that has been donated, will help the NJHS fulfill its goal for the pantry. As of this afternoon, more than 3,700 items have already been donated by students and faculty members, not including what the therapy company donated.
Representatives from Southwest Therapy Solutions arrived around 3 p.m. today at DMS to unload the items it purchased for its donation. NJHS officers are expected to help sort through the donations and move the food items into the pantry Friday morning.
As the food drive moves forward at Duncan Middle School, the donations continue to come in. Students and faculty have invested in the causes.
All the food donated toward the food pantry will help students and their families, many who are in need because of the pandemic.