Many students might have noticed they’re grades are dropping as their missing work piles up. Principal study hall started Monday March 8th, and it will run as long as it needs.
“The principal study hall is built up extra time in the day to help kids get their work done,” said Rodney Strutton the principal at Duncan Middle School.
The students will attend the parent resource room during lunch if they need to catch up on work. Each Student will be notified when they need to attend the parent resource room. As of now only 7th graders will have access to the parent resource room for the study hall. When you are in the study hall you will have to work on all missing assignments.
Strutton has noticed that many students have too many missing assignments, for those consequences you will be spending your lunch in the study hall. Students need to get as much work done as possible. Even doing half of your work and getting up to a passing grade is good.
Many students have sports and many things to do after school and may not have time to do their work by the time they get home. This is why they created principal study hall that way students can get caught up on all of their work.