With the end of the year coming up, some students are getting worn out by the amount of work given to them and are starting to give up.

These students think that because school is almost over, it’s OK to miss a couple of assignments or to turn them in late. Instead, now is the time to really focus on your grades because with the end of the year coming up you’ll have less time to change them.
The amount of homework and in-class assignments might be a lot now, but after state-testing and towards the end of the school year the work will most likely start to thin out.
State-testing starts next week, and during testing periods, teachers usually won’t hand out too much homework that stresses kids out even more. After state-testing, you probably will still have homework and such, but there will likely be less of it.
I know as for me personally, I’ve been super stressed out with school work recently, and I’ve felt like giving up and turning some things in unfinished. Things will get better though, especially as school’s about to end.
If you work hard on your work now, then when summer comes you can relax and enjoy it, knowing that you tried your best last semester.