Baseball ended last week and as a baseball player, I’m kinda sad. I loved playing for my coaches and for my team. I had a lot of fun playing baseball and hope to do it for years to come. If I ever get to play for my coaches again it would be an honor but those chances are slim to none. I’ve had one of my coaches two times this year and he was a very good , he loved both sports and gave me some really good advice to go to high school next year.

Though Baseball is all around my favorite sport it has some downfalls such as long nights, cold days, and having to play through bad weather. But I’m used to it, because I’ve been playing this sport for about 2 years now. Both years I have played for DMS my teammates have been very supportive and we have a lot of fun at practices and games. High school baseball is going to be a blast and I will be honored to play for Duncan. DHS has a very good baseball program and will teach you all that you need to know. DMS and DHS baseball is for the players, not for the coaches reputation, they want you to get better.