Many students, high school and middle school, tried out for color guard, and many students got in. Those students include Julia Taylor, Kris Alston, Peyton Bull, Anna Hutto, Madison Thomas, Natalie Latham, Patience Eichler. Brooklynne Robinson, Megan Bumpus, Lexi Sanders, and Dalila Hernadez. color guard is not a try-out-one-time thing. If you want to be in color guard, you have to try out every year.
They had to do many tasks to get in. They had to learn how to do the fight song, and how to do drop spins. “Drop spins were very difficult,” said Megan Bumpus, one of the students that got into color guard.
After they got into Color Guard they have not had to do anything else so far. They had to buy most of the equipment themselves including, two different pairs of shoes, dress pants, a color guard shirt, and a color guard jacket. Their first practice starts on July 29th.
All of the students that got into color guard had to work hard. Getting into color guard is a very honorable thing.