At Duncan Middle School the enrollment has been high lately. It hasn’t been so high since 2013. This year’s enrollment has around 900 students at DMS. Some of the teachers had to give up their planning period to have more room for the students. Some of the teachers have huge classes up to 30 kids in a class, and this has affected the teachers and the students so much.
Christy Glasscock, the vice-principal, shares her opinions about the high enrollment. Glasscock says that she is very excited about high enrollment, and it means to her that more families are moving to the community. She believes that the parents are trusting the school district more, and to have a better education. Christy explains that the high enrollment was never expected after the covid last year, and got us in surprise for all. She says “I say we have to move teachers around and mess around with the schedules but I say it isn’t a problem.”
Mrs. Farrar, the middle school art teacher, expresses how she feels about high enrollment. She had to give away her planning period to teach an extra class. Mrs. Farrar says, “It’s great for more students to be back and I’m very excited to see new faces, but it is challenging.” This year has been a rough start for her because she has gotten quarantined and was very sick, also the extra class is getting a little challenging. Mrs. Farrar states, “the high enrollment is not a big problem for me but I know it is a difficult thing for other teachers and staff. We could resolve this next year with more funding.” Mrs. Farrar explains how she feels about virtual classes; she says, “more of the kids are coming back from virtual and it is tough for them, and they need the social experience.”
High enrollment is a big thing for this school year, and got everyone in shock about it. The middle school max for students is around 700 to 750, and this current school they have around 800.