At the Duncan middle school there are multiple activities, some afterschool related and during school related, such as the Drug Awareness Door Challenge. Your WIN class will help support drug awareness week. You’re helping students, adults and anyones else realize that drugs are not okay. Everyone has their own opinion on if drugs are okay or not okay. Some people feel as if taking any drugs is bad, but some think only some are bad.
The drug awareness door challenge starts Oct 25, 2021, and ends Oct 29, 2021.Mrs. Barker, a humanities teacher at the Duncan middle school is involved in the drug awareness challenge. The theme for this year is “Drug free looks like me,”. All win classes can get involved. Student council, Mr. Miller, and Mrs. Barker helped come up with the idea of the drug awareness challenge.
Ms. Hurley, an english teacher at Duncan Middle School said, “I think it’s a really good idea. it’s been pretty cool to see the door decorations. If I were to choose,my favorite door decoration would be the catchy phrases and art that pops out.” Ms. Hurley loves colors, so she loves to see color when they make the doors.
Most people enjoy the door challenge. It shows awareness and helps people realize that drugs are not okay even if it seems fun.