On January 27 the Duncan Demons had an away game against Lawton Eisenhower. The seventh grade had lost 58-44 and have high hopes for the future Cache tournament. After the game Jensen Prince and Brandt Stocking were interviewed. Brandt plays in the post, he is a PF/C.
Brandt had gotten 6 points and got fouled 2 times and caused 3 fouls. Brandt thinks he did good and played his role well. “That kid who plays for Eisenhower can jump out of this world because he jumps really high” – Brandt Stocking. Brandt is very excited about the cache tournament and thinks he and his team will do really well in the tournament because of the outcome of their previous tournament, they won 1st place. And he thinks he will score about 12 points.
And last but not least, Jensen prince. Jensen’s position is the point guard and he got 10 points at the game. He said he thinks he did pretty good at the game and had half of the points in the first half. He said in a sportsman- like way that the other team was pretty good and a fun opponent. But his opinion about his team is that they did good in the first half and bad in the second.
And Jensen was asked what he thinks when he is taking a shot and he replied with “ I have no doubts when taking my shot because I’m Cash Nasty.” He believes that since the first practice he has progressed and improved a lot to this point and is going to win the cache tournament.