I like trying new things and sports, such as track and field. And I personally am going to do track and am very excited and have never done it before so it’s my first year doing it. And I have heard it is a really fun and amazing sport to play so I am going to try it out and think it will go well.
Since there are different things to do in track like, hurdling, pole jumping, sprints, mid distance, and many other things. So I personally think that is so amazing and really fun and exciting. And I think everyone should try a new sport every once and a while because it can be good and healthy for you.
This year lots of people signed up for the sport so I think a lot of people feel the same way I do about track as a fun, amazing, unforgettable experience to enjoy and go through. Doing things like this can give you really good happy memories if you try to improve a lot and have fun doing this challenge.
So I am very happy to do track and I say others try it because why not we should try new things.