The Duncan Demon soccer team had their first game of the year against Cache and sadly lost seven to five. They played as hard as they could. Soccer was just added to Duncan Middle School. The Soccer teams have been practicing for over a week for their first game since the first of February.
Sebastian Morones, an 8th-grade student, expresses his feelings over his first game. Morones had gotten no points, 4 assists, and his position is the center midfield. He expressed that he was happy that he got to start in their first game.
He said that his team did badly in the first half of the game and good in the second half. In the first half, they went down four to zero but came back and went to four to five. Then in the last two minutes Cache scored three goals. Morones said, “Landon Brown is a great goalie.”
Gerardo Moran and Carson Berry also speak their opinions around their game. Berry didn’t get to play the game due to him being in a play called The Seussical. Moran did get to play luckily. He had gotten no points because of his position being a defender.
Gerardo Moran thinks that his team did alright for their first game of the season and that he played ok but the defense was good. Moran said, “ Brandt was good at defense, the goalie was good, and River and George scored the most but River played the best.”