This week the Oklahoma State Department of Education added new data to the Oklahoma School Report Card. The additions, required under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, include data on teacher qualifications and information from the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC).
The CRDC measures student access to courses, programs, staff and resources that impact education equity and opportunities for students. It also includes measures of school climate and safety.
The U.S Department of Education conducts the CRDC every two years. The CRDC information added to the Oklahoma School Report Card is from school year 2017-18, which is the most recent collection available. The latest CRDC data collection occurred this year, and data from that collection will be available next year.
“This additional information on the School Report Card gives us insight into students’ experiences in school,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister said. “It is critically important to help us identify encouraging and troublesome trends in order to replicate positive examples and intervene to address detrimental conditions for student learning.”
The new teacher qualification data includes the amount of instruction students are receiving from different educator types like experienced or emergency certified. Research shows that teaching experience is associated with student achievement. This data can give a better understanding of who is providing instruction to students, especially those being served in our high and low poverty schools.
Teacher qualification and CRDC data can be found at using the menu linked on the About our State, About our District or About our School tab.