Students and Teachers returned to school August 18th, to start the 2022-2023 school year. Some things have changed at Duncan Middle School, including teachers curriculum, athletics, and a new cell phone policy have been introduced this year. Teachers and their students were interviewed after returning to school and shared their thoughts about being welcomed back.

Witney Gdanski, 7th grade English teacher, is excited for this new year and is looking forward to meeting new students and had said ” So far so good, better than last year.” The second teacher Shay Stewert, 7th grade science teacher, was very excited this year because she is now the coach of the girls soccer team.
Peyton Phillips, 8th grade student, came to the middle school last year, and his thoughts about the school have changed after they have implemented the new cell phone rule. Speaking of which, the new cell phone policy seems to be the only thing people can talk about. Most students agree with the new cell phone policy but some do not. Phillips thinks that the phone policy is better than last year, because it allows students to be on their phone for 30 minutes at lunch. the thing he is most excited about though is the dodgeball tournament at the end of the year.
As a result of Rodney Strutton leaving the middle school to become assistant princaple at the high school, Christy Glasscock has become the new head principle of Duncan middle school. When asked how she she feels about being the new head principle Glasscock replied, “I am very humble to be the new head principle at the middle school,”
She also said, “I am so excited to start the new school year, I can’t wait to see the success of the students and staff.”
She answered “I am happy to have Mr. Ryan as our new assistant principal. I am also very excited to have all of our new staff to DMS.