Soccer has returned for the Lady Demons, and today they have their first tournament/scrimmage.

The players left early this morning for the competition in Lawton. This year marks the second year for Duncan Middle School to have a soccer program in place, following last year’s debut year.
“I am a little scared and nervous but I think we have a pretty good chance of winning,” eighth-grade player Chesnee Roberson said.
Roberson is playing mid-field for the team. She said the team has been practicing a lot to get ready for today’s tournament.
“The soccer season is going pretty good so far but there is a lot of running,” she said.
Roberson isn’t the only feeling jittery about today.
“I am nervous but I also am excited because we get to get out of school all day,” Sofia Hernandez, eighth-grade player, said.
Hernandez expected to play right defense for the team.
She said she has enjoyed getting ready for game time because practice allows her to spend time with her closest friends, while playing her favorite sport.
“Soccer is going good and soccer practices are getting better,” Hernandez said.
Allena Cotanny, a seventh-grade player, was also nervous about the tournament in Lawton.

“It’ll be a good experience, maybe not win though,” Cotanny said.
One of her pre-game rituals is putting her cleats on before a game and running to get her blood pumping. And she’s hopeful that ritual will have her fully prepared for today’s tournament.
“Soccer is going okay, but it has been indoors most of the time so I would like to get started practicing outdoors on the field,” Cotanny said.