Recently, some Duncan Middle School students started a peaceful protest against the school’s no hat rule.
Students have taken to wearing paper hats in a sign of silent protest. The leader of this “Paper Hat Revolution” is Collin Quinn, who said he has strong feelings about getting to wear a hat to school.
“I want to wear my top hat to school,” Quinn said.
The Paper Hat Revolution gained more than 20 members in one day. Although the movement began with seventh-grade students, it is no longer limited to just seventh grade.
In recent weeks, the protest has gained members in sixth and eighth-grade, too.
However, many of the hats have been stolen by other students.
The rule about not wearing hats is listed in the DMS student handbook, in the section about dress code.
According to the student handbook, “The wearing of hats, caps, hoods, bandanas, or non-religious head coverings will not be permitted inside any campus building.”
The dress code at DMS was updated this year to allow students to wear pajama bottoms. But the hat rule did not change.
Quinn said the sole purpose of the paper hat protest is to convince the Duncan Board of Education and the Duncan Middle School to reverse the rule about students not wearing hats at DMS. Students are currently allowed to wear hats during spirit weeks and dress-up days if it ties into their theme outfit.
Quinn said he does not see hats as a problem at school.
“If we are able to wear our hats to school one day a year for spirit week then why not every day?” Quinn said.
He doesn’t plan to stop with the paper hats until the school rule is lifted.