This year the principals at Duncan Middle School are planning an incentive party. This incentive party is for the students who have grades higher than a C, no more than three absences, and no more than five tardies. DMS principals, Mike Ryan, Amy Moore, and Christy Glasscock, have put this incentive in place to keep students at school and in class.
Amy Moore, DMS’s assistant principal, said, “This year, the other principals and I are planning this incentive for the students who are eligible and this is around 350 students.” The party is happening on the 14th during the WIN period which is between 2nd and 3rd hour.
Christy Glasscock, DMS’s head principal, said “The amount of students going to the incentive party are going because they care about their grades and how much they are in class and at school.” She also said that the students going are very responsible and that’s why they get a reward. The parties are going to change every time so they don’t get boring.
Moore, said, “The incentive parties are still very well known and throughout the years we plan on making them bigger and better so that they are more desirable. We want more students to want to do good in school and stay in class.” She also said that they want to try and do more than one party a school year to keep the students interested.
The students going to the incentive party is about the same amount as last year and Christy Glasscock said “I hope that for the years to come more students will be serious about school and stay out of trouble since the incentive party is meant to keep students being productive and working hard.”
After this incentive party, there will only be three school days until winter break and eleven days until Christmas.