The presidential election is a big event in the U.S.

Many kids and students like to form opinions on who they would like to win, even though they can’t vote yet. I have my own opinion of who should win, but I’m not going to share it online.
I think having your own opinion and keeping yourself updated on politics is a good idea.
I believe that knowing what is going on can make you feel better about the situation we’re going through in America. The situation is not a very good one. No matter who wins, there are going to be riots throughout the “United” States.
America is so torn apart by politics that people are afraid to leave their expensive stores without boarding them up.
This behavior isn’t what I would call “the greatest country in the world,” as many Americans would refer to the U.S. I am for people having their own opinions and voicing their opinions, but rioting and looting are not the answer.
This doesn’t refer to all people. But there are those who are planning to riot if their choice doesn’t win. They should find better ways to express themselves.