Hailey Potts is excited to help people, and National Junior Honor Society will give her the opportunity.

This year, Potts is the president of the Duncan Middle School chapter of NJHS, an honor she doesn’t take lightly. Potts said she is excited about helping out and making the school a better place, along with getting to share her opinions on school decisions.
“I am very excited about getting to help out in this year’s sixth-grade pep rally at the end of the year,” Potts said.
National Junior Honor Society is a national organization designed to encourage leadership skills in middle school students. Not only that, but NJHS offers invites to the top 10 percent of students who have outstanding leadership skills, at least a 3.7 grade-point average, and who set the example for the younger students and everyone around them as well.
Blayden Harper, who is an eighth-grade member of NJHS, said he enjoys being part of the organization.
“I am excited to help people through volunteering, and that people can volunteer at our school for Halloween, back to school night, meet the teacher and so much more,” Harper said.
This year’s officer slate includes Potts, vice president Lucy Spoering, secretary Brandt Stocking, treasurer Pinky Greening, reporter Kaylee Miller and parliamentarian Cainan Knight.
Knight’s role in NJHS is to help uphold the rules of order for the meetings.
He said he enjoys working alone instead of working in big groups most of the time, but he said being a part of NJHS does sometimes mean being part of a team. To him, success is being happy as a student and making other around him happy
Knight said his biggest accomplishments this year are being in honors classes and being an officer for NJHS. He likes working with his peers and also likes being able to encourage others to make this year better together.
The next NJHS meeting will be held in the library on October fourth.