The DMS Student Council raised nearly 100 dollars, thanks to the annual Bedlam Coin Drive.
In the coin drive, people can put money into buckets marked with either the University of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State University, in honor of the Bedlam rivalry game. The drive gives people a chance to support their team, which helping to raise money for Student Council, which in turn is used for Duncan Middle School.

The winner of the coin drive was OU, but only by about 40 cents.
Ellie Peterson, who is the Student Council president, said one goal of the officers was making sure the coin drive was successful.
The officers were joined in this effort by Student Council sponsors Cathy Barker and Derrick Miller.
Peterson said the money helps the Student Council do more for the middle school.
The coin drive is just one of the fundraisers Student Council has done this year. Others include the Halloween dance (Monster Bash). Other fundraisers are coming up for the school year, including the Jackie Robinson Hat Day in April.
Baker said the money raised from the coin drive would go toward things that could be used for students and/or teachers. In May, the Student Council will sponsor the Teacher Appreciation Week luncheon for all Duncan Middle School staff.
Earlier this year, the Student Council voted to use some of its funds to help purchase equipment to use during WIN’s outdoor time.