The Duncan Middle School got new stuff for the school. The school has new ceiling mirrors to look through the hallways and new cafeteria tables. Students and staff members have some opinions about this new stuff. Duncan Middle School Newspaper students interviewed 3 students and 2 staff members.
Three students were interviewed, one-eighth grader, one-seventh grader, and one-sixth grader. Victoria Lopez, an eighth grader, was interviewed. She says she feels very nice about the needed upgrades. Lopez says she likes looking at herself in the new ceiling mirrors.
She was asked, “If you could get something new for the school, what would it be?” Lopez says, “I would get new bleachers and remodel the restrooms.”
Next, to be interviewed was Fabian Villarreal who said “ My honest opinion, I’d have to say it’s a change.”
Villarreal also suggested that they should remodel the bathrooms. Fabian likes the ceiling mirrors because he can look at himself. He doesn’t think the new chairs will affect students’ postures because, in the old chairs, people would sit halfway on their seats and slouch.
The last Duncan Middle School student to be interviewed was a sixth grader named Justin Chaidez. Chaidez feels weird about the new stuff in the school and is still getting used to it. He thinks that the new tables are random.
The Duncan Middle School Newspaper interviewed an eighth-grade teacher. David Alston was asked for his opinion on the new stuff for the school.
“I think it’s fantastic,” he says. Alston likes the new lunch tables.
Mr. Ryan was interviewed to answer a few questions that the Duncan Middle School students had. Mr. Ryan says the school is getting more new stuff soon like new bleachers. A lot of the students were confused about the new ceiling mirrors and what they were for.
Mr. Ryan says, “They provide safety.” They are useful to teachers so that they can see down the hallway without having to turn around.