Today is Valentine’s Day, and everyone is celebrating this holiday in different ways.
This year at Duncan Middle School, the Academic Team kicked off the holiday celebration with a fundraiser titled “Valentine Grams.” The team sold popcorn for $2 each and delivered them to classrooms this morning.
Valentine’s Day takes place every Feb. 14, and some of the most popular gifts to give on the day include chocolates and flowers. Although, popcorn remained popular at DMS.
Sebastian Morones, an eighth-grade student, said he thinks Valentine’s Day is not the best holiday; in fact, he believes Valentine’s Day is overrated.
“Valentines is useless, and I don’t think there’s any point to celebrate it,”Morones said.
His favorite part of Valentine’s Day is his mom gifting him candy. He also expressed his feelings on the popcorn grams. He thinks they are an easy way to give someone a Valentine’s gift without all the stress and expenses.
“The popcorn also tastes good,” he said. “I ate all of mine in my first hour.”
Katelynn Patterson, another eighth-grade student, expressed her opinion about the holiday, too. Patterson also thinks the holiday is pointless.
“Valentine’s Day will never be my favorite holiday, and it shouldn’t exist,” she said. “When I am taken, I might change my mind.”

Her favorite part of Valentine’s Day is eating chocolate because it is her favorite sweet treat. She also liked receiving popcorn grams as part of the holiday, although she hadn’t eaten any of her popcorn yet.
“I believe the popcorn grams are neat, and hopefully they will have something like this at the high school next year, Patterson said.
Eric Hernandez, a seventh-grade student at DMS, said he thinks Valentine’s Day sucks because he hates seeing all the happy couples and wishes that could be him.
“I don’t get anything because: One, I don’t have a valentine, and Two: that crap is elementary stuff to hand out candy and toys,” Hernandez said.
Despite his feelings on the holiday, he thinks the popcorn is a great idea, and that it is a good way to raise money.