On November 16th 1907 Oklahoma became an official state. It became the 46

th state to be declared. It is the 115th anniversary of its statehood, today. Students from DMS were interviewed to see how they felt being an Oklahoman. The first student that was interviewed was Maddison Vondfelt. Vondfelt was asked how she felt about Oklahoma and what its like to be an Oklahoman and she answered the question with “ It’s pretty good to be an Oklahoman, Oklahoma is pretty cool because of Sports, and my favorite thing about Oklahoma is that its a pretty small state.”
Two other students named Wendy Raygoza and George Pardo were asked about how they feel about Oklahoma and Raygoza reaplied “ It’s pretty calm and its not a big state but it has bi polar weather.” When Pardo was asked the question he replied “ Good good. The foods my favorite part about Oklahoma but my least favorite thing is there needs to be more Mexican food places.”